New Report: Eight point plan for Scotland’s Green Recovery

+ Key actions for Scottish Government to ensure the recovery post COVID-19 sets a path to net zero + Shows how climate emergency can be a thread throughout Government’s economic recovery plans + Case studies available below A group of…

Climate Emergency Response Group encouraged by climate emergency focus in Scottish Budget

The Climate Emergency Response Group, a group of civic and business leaders, is encouraged by the Scottish Government’s determination to place its response to the climate emergency at the heart of the Scottish Budget 2020/21 which is published…

Call for Scottish Budget to fund Scotland’s response to the Climate Emergency

Today the Climate Emergency Response Group (CERG) published a report [1] calling for the Scottish Government to announce a transformative Climate Emergency Scottish Budget that will support Scotland’s transition to net-zero emissions by 2045…

Programme for Government – Climate Emergency Response Group comment

The Climate Emergency Response Group, a group of civic and business leaders, welcomed the Scottish Government’s response to the climate emergency as outlined in the Programme for Government which is published today [1]. Speaking for the…

Climate Emergency Response Group – 12 immediate actions for Scotland’s climate emergency response

Op-ed, The Herald, 26 August 2019 An emergency requires an emergency response. Scotland was the first nation in the world to declare that the climate crisis has now reached such a point that it now represents an emergency of planetary scale.…

Twelve Point Plan to tackle Scotland’s Climate Emergency

A group of civic and business leaders are today (Mon 26 Aug) setting out their recommendations for the key actions the Scottish Government needs to take to ramp up its response to the climate emergency in its forthcoming Programme for Government. The…