New Report: Stepping up to Delivery
NewsCERG’s new report invites the Scottish Government to reflect on why delivery of its climate commitments are off track, and how government needs to organise itself to enable better policy delivery.
The evidence is clear: Scotland is not…

Opinion: Scotland failing to attract private finance for clean heat
News, OpinionsAs the Scottish Government’s Green Heat Finance Taskforce prepares its final recommendations, Josiah Lockhart, Changeworks’ Chief Executive and member of CERG shares his thoughts on what’s needed to attract private finance to decarbonise…

Opinion: Climate target reset must mark the moment of policy delivery. The next 12 months are critical. This is no time to take the foot off the pedal.
News, OpinionsStefanie O’Gorman, a member of the Climate Emergency Response Group (CERG), reflects on why a lack of policy delivery has led to the Scottish Government proposing to scrap their world-leading 2030 climate target and how today’s collapse…

Opinion: Meeting the financing challenges of net zero
News, OpinionsMeeting the financing challenges of net zero: a case for smarter public investment by the Scottish Government.
Two recent reports by the Climate Change Committee and the Scottish Fiscal Commission have starkly set out the severity of…

Opinion: Making every decision count for a Net Zero future
News, OpinionsAs the draft Scottish Budget progresses through parliament, Dr Sam Gardner, a member of the Climate Emergency Response Group, makes the case for a ‘Net Zero Test’ to inform policy and investment decisions. With carbon assessment tools readily…

New Report: Scottish Government urged to double-down on tackling the climate and cost of living crises
Four-point action plan sets out immediate actions required from Scottish Government to ‘unlock’ progress in tackling both the climate and cost of living crises, alleviating the pressures on communities and livelihoods in Scotland.

New Report: Scotland’s Civic and Business Leaders challenge Scottish Government to act now on climate commitments
12-point action plan sets out route to a green, just transition in vital year for the climate
CERG calls for the Scottish Government to urgently shift into delivery mode on climate and demonstrate the same emergency thinking and empathetic…

New Report: Scottish Government receives ‘Good, but could still do better’ rating to Climate Emergency response.
News+ Scottish Government praised for taking opportunities to accelerate action to net-zero as part of a green recovery to the impacts of COVID-19 but gaps remain
+ With one year to COP 26, Scotland needs a plan of action to go with its world leading…

Scottish Government Programme for Government – Climate Emergency Response Group comment
NewsThe Climate Emergency Response Group, (CERG) a group of civic and business leaders, welcomed the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government which was published today [1].
Speaking on behalf of CERG, Elizabeth Leighton, who provides the…

Scottish Government Economic Recovery Implementation Plan – CERG comment
NewsThe Climate Emergency Response Group, (CERG) a group of civic and business leaders, welcomed the Scottish Government’s priority for a green economy in its response to the Advisory Group on
Economic Recovery today [1].
Speaking on behalf…